Monday, April 13, 2009

Holy Week

First of all,

The whole holy week was tiring.
Monday, we went to the farm in Cogonan.
So hot
Tuesday, tired of reviewing.
Wednesday, Visita Iglesia
Thursday, back and forth from Lian to Nasugbu.
Friday, I forgot:D
Saturday, I also forgot:D
Sunday, peace y'all. Also forgot.



Friday, April 10, 2009

The International Chickboy

Recently, as I surf the net.
I found some blog posts about
"An Illegitimate Son of Jose Rizal".
Maybe, I knew i late but this preoccupied my mind.
What the heck is this coincidence?
Rizal went to almost 10 countries and is very intelligent.
Things may have revolved my mind.
What is the connection of HITLER to RIZAL?
Coincidentally, Rizal died on 1896
Hitler was born on 1899.
On 1896, Rizal was really probably on Germany.
I am totally confused.
Hitler is of the Austrian Race.
The thing is, Hitler was born on an Austrian-Germany Border.
Maybe, he was brought there.
But, all in all.
I don't care.
Just sharing some opinions.
But, who knows?


I wonder why.

I wonder why do we need to do this routine every year.
We are having our "Bisita Iglesia" which causes my skin to turn black. I'm so tired.
Maybe, Jesus is the main reason of all this. We are spiritually devoted to Him.
We went to 8 churches. An addition of 1 to the usual number of churches you must visit.
The churches we went are on Batangas and 3 are on Cavite.
I am so tired of the trip.
Early that morning, Kuya Deo declined to join the journey that's why I am the only kid.

I still need to rest. A while ago, I had a jogging session with Kuya Jhayphee.
So, I still need to rest but never to sleep.
I wonder why.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

World Problem: Global Recession

Things have changed lately.
Gasoline prices do have its lowest rollbacks.
Bankrupts are worldwide.
Job losses are the headlines in the news.
What are we doing?
What are we doing?

Peace, Cooperation and Love are the primary ingredients in the so-called perfect recipe for a perfect world are on its final phase of being cooked. But what if pints of graft and cups of corruption are mistakenly added to the recipe. Will the perfect world be repaired or will it surely be destructed by these little things added.

U.S.A., the most powerful country in this society are facing their biggest problem. The global recession is the main headache for all the officials of each country. Indeed, the Lehman Brothers had closed for they saw bankruptcy in their business. Since the Great Depression, USA had never attained this economic status for they always have high market incomes.

What are we going to do? Let us help the government as they do their best in acquiring the fulfillment we need. All in all, we need to kiss the projects of our officials for this will do good effects to ourselves. Let us help each other in rising the downs.

As far as I'm concerned,

Today is considered one of the most hot day I've ever encountered.
Whooh. The blazing sun is on its phase of having its scorching heat cause the dangerous skin diseases.
The heat we are having now is the result of the continuous system of the infamous "Global Warming".
We are all having difficulties living our lives with this kind of atmosphere.
For the entire time that we will not make primary actions for this phenomenon, it will do such hazard to the environment.
In such little ways we can do, such as saving water and using the aircon seldom is a very big help in saving the surrounding.
Thank you and may this little post may help us in little big ways.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Salutatory Speech

The theme "My education: My Contribution to the Future" have been expanded in the form of a welcome address as shown below. Please read.
Our guest speaker, (-Name-) the school president, Mr. Sofio Samaniego, the principal, Ms. Jocelyn Samaniego, the administrator Ms. Elenita Samaniego, guests, teachers, parents, friends, my fellow graduates, a pleasant afternoon.

Welcome to the second Elementary Graduation of our school. Your presence is a pleasure for all of us. A couple of years ago, I was excited of this graduation. Indeed, this is one of my most awaited occasion. In Graduation, we will receive our diploma. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world. The reason why we need to graduate is because we need to turn occasionally the pages of our lives and graduation is one of its steps. All in all, we need to graduate for us to learn new things and to explore some new places for us to be educated more.

We all know that education is the best legacy and the best weapon in the fulfillment of our dreams and ambitions. Dreams and ambitions that will help us have a brighter future. The values, knowledge and experiences we have gained from this institution can be our guiding light in dealing with the new environment. Let us face every challenge with courage. The patience and firm determination we have learned from our mentors can also help us to achieve our goals in life.

We must be thankful to God for this moment. Let us thank Him for all the people, the extension of His love, His angels that He sent to make sure all that we have now and our future will happen.

In addition, to my Villafranca and Macalaguim Family, thanks for all the support you extended not only to Papa but my Mama, and me too. You taught me the basic lessons of how it is to stand and to take steps in our first walk in our journeys with life. For my Papa and Mama the nurture and the love will always be there. Thank you for all the support in every trial, quests and even some complex problems I encounter. Thank you for giving me the best advices I want to hear to serve as an inspiration to me I love you so much. For Tatay Paping and Tatay Maning, my warmest thanks to you even if you are not here to witness my achievement. For Nanay, thank you for your love and support. Thank you very much.

I believe that the education we have acquired from our Alma matter will equip us in performing our duties and responsibilities as dynamic and productive citizens of our country. Now, as we celebrate these milestones in our young life, let us celebrate this moment with grateful hearts. Our graduation today is our contribution to the future - from the seeds that we are now, will spring bright citizens of our country that will help sustain and make the difference. We will be taking different highways from this little road, we will explore the wide skies from this runway as we take off, we will reach distant shores as we leave this harbor of our elementary school as proud graduates ready to help build the future for the generations to come.

My classmates, as we reach our destinations please let us not forget to look back and send signals to our dear school, that we have reached our destinations and that we have arrived. I know that in every knowledge and wisdom we gain in this school we are about to depart, each of us can contribute to a better future of this generation. Let us all remember that this is not the end; hence, this is just the start of the journey of our success. Let us all welcome high school with smiles in our heart. In behalf of the graduating class of Creative Dreams School Batch 2008-2009, I welcome you all as we reap the rewards of our accomplishments – the diplomas that we had worked hard for. Thank you and may God bless all of you.


Yes, I'm the Class Salutatorian of our Class
This is one of the quote who revolved my mind as I surpassed some 19 pupils of our Grade Six Class. After announcing the official ranking of our class (which I will write later), I immediately called my mother as she reminded me.
Before I write the official ranking, I will tell you the people who ruled the honor's circle.

1st Quarter:
1. Samantha Andrei Samaniego
2. Ramil Anton Villafranca
3. Jennifer V. Inciong
4. Alyssa Marie A. Abito
5. Lady Marian V. Andallo
6. Jeremiah Joshua D. Taar
7. Andrea L. Salanguit
8. IC Aillenor G. Ularte
9. Sean Michael C. Sonsona
10. Danielle Angelique Ferrer and Joy Teresa Angela Gonzales

2nd Quarter:
1. Samantha Andrei Samaniego
2. Ramil Anton Villafranca
3. Jennifer Inciong
4. Andrea L. Salanguit
5. Lady Marian V. Andallo
6. Alyssa Marie A. Abito
7. Jeremiah Joshua D. Taar
8. IC Aillenor G. Ularte
9. Sean Michael C. Sonsona
10. Eris Justin Gamez

3rd Quarter:
1. Samantha Andrei Samaniego
2. Ramil Anton Villafranca
3. Pauline G. Lopez
4. Andrea Salanguit
5. Lady Marian Andallo
6. Jennifer Inciong
7. Alyssa Marie Abito
8. Jeremiah Joshua Taar
9. IC Aillenor Ularte
10. Joy Teresa Angela Gonzales

4th Quarter:
1. Samantha Andrei Samaniego
2. Pauline Lopez
3. Ramil Anton Villafranca
4. Andrea Salanguit
5. Jennifer Inciong
6. Lady Marian Andallo
7. Alyssa Marie Abito
8. IC Aillenor Ularte
9. Crizelle Anne A. Vivas
10. Jeremiah Joshua Taar

Final Ranking
Valedictorian - Samantha Andrei Samaniego
Salutatorian - Ramil Anton Villafranca
1st Honorable Mention - Andrea Salanguit
2nd Honorable Mention - Jennifer Inciong
3rd Honorable Mention - Lady Marian Andallo
4th Honorable Mention - Alyssa Marie ABito
5th Honorable Mention - IC Aillenor Ularte
6th Honorable Mention - Jeremiah Joshua Taar
7th Honorable Mention - Joy Teresa Angela Gonzales
8th Honorable Mention - Crizelle Anne A. Vivas

Thanks.. :D

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Blog

D I S C L A I M E R:

Before I officialy open this blog website.. I want to thank for having my previous blog published without any technical problems.
Like, what I have said; because, of the speed of my DSL connection, I transferred to Blogspot.
