Friday, April 10, 2009

The International Chickboy

Recently, as I surf the net.
I found some blog posts about
"An Illegitimate Son of Jose Rizal".
Maybe, I knew i late but this preoccupied my mind.
What the heck is this coincidence?
Rizal went to almost 10 countries and is very intelligent.
Things may have revolved my mind.
What is the connection of HITLER to RIZAL?
Coincidentally, Rizal died on 1896
Hitler was born on 1899.
On 1896, Rizal was really probably on Germany.
I am totally confused.
Hitler is of the Austrian Race.
The thing is, Hitler was born on an Austrian-Germany Border.
Maybe, he was brought there.
But, all in all.
I don't care.
Just sharing some opinions.
But, who knows?


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