Wednesday, March 31, 2010


HAHA.. Type words below and see what will happen in the box below.


Monday, February 22, 2010


"damn?well, back off you darn backstabber."
i never knew that a best friend would backstab me

i wish i can find a relief...
too bad, i am so desperate to find that oh-so-difficult-to-find relief
for an unexplainable reason.

attention to all backstabbers:
don't you dare go and be friends with me
or else..

i think its my turn to backstab now.
but, i won't because i llvvee her.

love?is it pure love?

i dunno.

yours till the wrist watchs,

at school again...

I am so sick and tired of going here...
As far as you concerned,
I want to inform you that I am already
HIGH SCHOOL, right now
And, I am attending a special science high school.
Believe it or not,
I am not staying at home.
I am this student who can't do such things that
can do.
Although, I can't label much to my school.
I feel so sad for myself that I am not attending
a regular high school today
But like my mother said,
It's not today that I will gain all the advantages of going here.
It's on my future.
So, its better if I'll shut my CAKEHOLE
and start living an extraordinary life
like the same old routine.
So, its a goodbye again.
And see you, when my mood of typing comes back.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Holy Week

First of all,

The whole holy week was tiring.
Monday, we went to the farm in Cogonan.
So hot
Tuesday, tired of reviewing.
Wednesday, Visita Iglesia
Thursday, back and forth from Lian to Nasugbu.
Friday, I forgot:D
Saturday, I also forgot:D
Sunday, peace y'all. Also forgot.



Friday, April 10, 2009

The International Chickboy

Recently, as I surf the net.
I found some blog posts about
"An Illegitimate Son of Jose Rizal".
Maybe, I knew i late but this preoccupied my mind.
What the heck is this coincidence?
Rizal went to almost 10 countries and is very intelligent.
Things may have revolved my mind.
What is the connection of HITLER to RIZAL?
Coincidentally, Rizal died on 1896
Hitler was born on 1899.
On 1896, Rizal was really probably on Germany.
I am totally confused.
Hitler is of the Austrian Race.
The thing is, Hitler was born on an Austrian-Germany Border.
Maybe, he was brought there.
But, all in all.
I don't care.
Just sharing some opinions.
But, who knows?


I wonder why.

I wonder why do we need to do this routine every year.
We are having our "Bisita Iglesia" which causes my skin to turn black. I'm so tired.
Maybe, Jesus is the main reason of all this. We are spiritually devoted to Him.
We went to 8 churches. An addition of 1 to the usual number of churches you must visit.
The churches we went are on Batangas and 3 are on Cavite.
I am so tired of the trip.
Early that morning, Kuya Deo declined to join the journey that's why I am the only kid.

I still need to rest. A while ago, I had a jogging session with Kuya Jhayphee.
So, I still need to rest but never to sleep.
I wonder why.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

World Problem: Global Recession

Things have changed lately.
Gasoline prices do have its lowest rollbacks.
Bankrupts are worldwide.
Job losses are the headlines in the news.
What are we doing?
What are we doing?

Peace, Cooperation and Love are the primary ingredients in the so-called perfect recipe for a perfect world are on its final phase of being cooked. But what if pints of graft and cups of corruption are mistakenly added to the recipe. Will the perfect world be repaired or will it surely be destructed by these little things added.

U.S.A., the most powerful country in this society are facing their biggest problem. The global recession is the main headache for all the officials of each country. Indeed, the Lehman Brothers had closed for they saw bankruptcy in their business. Since the Great Depression, USA had never attained this economic status for they always have high market incomes.

What are we going to do? Let us help the government as they do their best in acquiring the fulfillment we need. All in all, we need to kiss the projects of our officials for this will do good effects to ourselves. Let us help each other in rising the downs.