Monday, February 22, 2010


"damn?well, back off you darn backstabber."
i never knew that a best friend would backstab me

i wish i can find a relief...
too bad, i am so desperate to find that oh-so-difficult-to-find relief
for an unexplainable reason.

attention to all backstabbers:
don't you dare go and be friends with me
or else..

i think its my turn to backstab now.
but, i won't because i llvvee her.

love?is it pure love?

i dunno.

yours till the wrist watchs,

at school again...

I am so sick and tired of going here...
As far as you concerned,
I want to inform you that I am already
HIGH SCHOOL, right now
And, I am attending a special science high school.
Believe it or not,
I am not staying at home.
I am this student who can't do such things that
can do.
Although, I can't label much to my school.
I feel so sad for myself that I am not attending
a regular high school today
But like my mother said,
It's not today that I will gain all the advantages of going here.
It's on my future.
So, its better if I'll shut my CAKEHOLE
and start living an extraordinary life
like the same old routine.
So, its a goodbye again.
And see you, when my mood of typing comes back.